Monday, December 28, 2009

The Perfect Techniques...

What are the perfect techniques... the one that will work on every single person in the world every time? People are searching for that one right technique... the magic one that automatically makes them rich without any work whatsoever. People keeps on jumping around, getting into one program into another program, trying to find the next hottest deal, hoping that this are the program or deal that really gonna work for them and the problem with that is they get burn every time. Regardless what the deal is, it is them that has to change not the deal or the program.

Now, why is it! That some people make a lot of money, some people make some money and most people don’t make any, when they have all the same thing going for them. They have the same product, same company, same composition plan and the same company story and all of those things they had are in common and yet a whole wide range of result. It couldn’t be those things, because those were there for everybody. It has to be something else.

What is it, that they have that the rest don’t have?

Change you view point of something, the way you look at something. You have to work at something that you want, no matter how long or how hard it takes. You have the power to become whatever that you want, and that is the fact.

You have to discover your why. What motivate you? You need to find the truth about yourself, it’s not about some technique or methodology, it’s about what you need, what you really want. If you want be successful in any business, not just network marketing, you have do “IT” with all your heart.

Feel free to comment. :)

Visit Global NPN right NOW.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Is this just another one of those schemes where the people at the top make all the money

Hello all,

Here’s an email I got the other day, word for word:

"Is this just another one of those schemes where the people at the top make all the money and the rest of us make nothing??"

I actually get that question quite frequently and it kinda bothers me that these people don’t research the issue themselves, instead of sending an email to the owner of the company and basically asking if they’re running some sort of pyramid “scheme”. It’s sort of funny if you think about it that way.

I mean how am I supposed to reply?.. "Yes you’re correct, Joe, you won’t make anything if you join my scheme.. but thanks for asking. Click here to join!"

I suppose I could just delete the message, but I’ll answer it anyways based on the business I’m involved in..

First let’s look at one part of this question:
Do the people at the top make all the money in this business?

The simple answer to this is: probably, but not necessarily.

The people at the top are at the top for one reason. They deserve it. They’ve obviously earned the opportunity to be at the top, and the company would only have these people at the top if it was beneficial to the growth of the organization. No new company or any company would want someone at the top of the organization if the company couldn’t benefit in a big way from their skills or experience.

Now the question again:
Is this just another one of those schemes where the people at the top make all the money and the rest of us make nothing??

Well the great thing about network marketing is that it is designed specifically to give everyone the same opportunity to build an income. The fact is, your success is 100% dependant on your efforts and your abilities. In companies where you are an employee, your salary is capped at whatever salary you are earning, which means your income is limited. In network marketing there is no limit to how much you can earn, and anyone can do it and everyone has the same opportunity. A network marketing company won’t pay you more just because you’re a doctor or a lawyer. The company won’t pay you more if you have a college degree, or a PHD, or any kind of education that may otherwise put you at an advantage. The company won’t pay you more based on your work experience.

Again, network marketing success is based on your efforts 100%. No favoritism, no office politics, no corporate b.s. If you want it you can have it, and nothing is stopping you from succeeding (except for you of course).

Do the people at the top make more money? Yeah probably, because they’ve earned it. Look at any corporation or company, does the CEO make more than the managers, supervisors, and workers? Of course they do.

But in network marketing, the people at the bottom have the same opportunity as everyone else. I’ve been in mlm companies where I was near the top and I had some people 10, 15 levels below me that were making more than me. That’s the great thing about this industry.

Back to the question again:
Is this just another one of those schemes where the people at the top make all the money and the rest of us make nothing??

Well put it this way, if you do nothing, then of course you’ll make nothing.

Perhaps ask yourself this question: If you were your boss, and based on your desire, work ethic, and effort, how much are you worth to the company? In other words, How much do you want to pay yourself? That part is up to you.

Visit Global NPN right NOW.

My First Article

Check out guys, my first article "Exact Money Making Formula" has been approved and published in

Read the full article here :!&id=3427812

Oh guys, please vote for my article.. :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

If You Do This You Will Make Money on the Internet

Online marketing is not difficult, it’s not "too hard". It’s easy BUT.. you actually have to go out and do it to start making money online.

Do this every day or every few days or at least every week.

If you do this every day you will make money on the internet.

  1. Find a keyword/keyphrase and then research related keywords and content

  2. Work it into an article, spin* it 3 or 4 times, and submit it.

  3. Make a related video and submit it.

  4. Write a related blog post.

  5. Work your article into a press release and submit it.

  6. Create a simple 4-8 page website with good relevant content, and submit it.

  7. Social network your content (facebook, twitter, myspace, etc)

  8. Bookmark your content (, etc.)

  9. Write a classified ad and submit it

  10. Start again at the top of this list..

Sound like a lot of work? Well, it is. It’s called marketing. But once you find your ‘groove’ it becomes easy and much quicker. Soon you’ll have your own system at work. Keep doing it. Keep doing it. Keep doing it. Do NOT do it once and wait to see if you make any money. Just keep doing it…

Don’t complain if your article doesn’t get any traffic.

Don’t complain if your video didn’t get any hits.…

Don’t complain. Just go and find out how to do it better. Then do it again!…

This is how you make long-term passive income the “free traffic” way.…

Here are some more general marketing tips that I share with other people:

  • Make your blog your central "hub" site. This is you, this is your brand.

  • Use GlobalNPN’s capture pages (or create your own with the capture page creator)

  • Use GlobalNPN’s List Marketer Pro. for your list building if you want your messages to be delivered.

  • FOCUS on creating quality, relevant content

  • FOCUS on presenting yourself as the expert (even if you’re not)

  • FOCUS on building your list of prospects for GlobalNPN.

  • Look at what the successful people are doing, and copy it (the methods not the content)

  • Always use capture pages or capture forms.

  • Become a "fan" of GlobalNPN on facebook right now and comment.

  • Don’t spam.

Have Fun. Oh, and DO IT!

Visit Global NPN right NOW.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The amazing story of a restaurant manager who refused to let circumstances get in his way.

Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. Being a man of vision, he was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I'd be twins!"

He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side
of the situation.

Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?"

Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, 'Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."

"Yeah, right, but it's not that easy," I protested.

"Yes it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life."

I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.

Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in the restaurant business: He left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination lock.

The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.

I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place.

"The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live."

"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked.

Jerry continued, "The paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, 'He's a dead man.' I knew I needed to take action."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Well, there was a big, burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited
for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Bullets!'

Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead."

Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude and vision.

Every day we have the choice to live fully... To let our vision or our circumstances direct our lives.

Which do YOU choose?

Visit Global NPN right NOW.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Are You Wasting Your Time and Money Buying Leads?

I’ve seen a rather disturbing trend in the training that some people are passing down to their referrals. Not just in NPN but all over the place.. No wonder people are getting frustrated. It’s difficult to keep up the enthusiasm when your sponsor is giving you mis-information on the best ways to promote your business online.

Have you ever been advised to do this:

“After joining my program under me…”
Step 1. Go buy some leads
Step 2. Import them into an autoresponder
Step 3. Sit back and wait for the money to come in
Step 4. Goto step #1.

Honestly those were the same instructions (more or less) that I saw yesterday being sent to someone’s downline as a “how to make money online” message. Sheesh! Either the sponsor is the one selling the leads, or they’ve been told the same thing from THEIR upline sponsor and are just passing it along. Giving out those instructions to a new marketer is sort of like saying “Start with the most inefficient and costly marketing method, then do nothing and hope it works, then do it again”. On the positive side, it sure looks easy to do. In reality, it doesn’t work like that and you’ll quit if you try and do it. DON’T FALL FOR IT!

The problem is the “shortcut mentality” that is out there that dictates that since you need leads to build your business, it’s better to skip the steps of actually generating leads and go right to the followup. What you might not realize is that it’s actually NOT a shortcut. It’s actually faster, cheaper, and more profitable to do it the right way.

Yes, emailing to bulk leads can have a place in your marketing plan but you need to know a bit more about it before you can just go at it. Point being you should NOT be importing leads as your MAIN method of generating leads for your business. Here’s why..

There are many variables that come into play with regards to blasting emails to leads lists that you have purchased.

1. Lead quality – exclusiveness, age, country, origin etc.
2. Outgoing letters / subject lines / spam trigger words
3. Quantity of leads
4. Consistancy of mailings
5. etc..

One of the complaints I’ve had about email blasting is “I’ve imported 10,000 leads into your mailer and haven’t had one single signup. What’s going on?”

My answer: “Because you’ve only imported 10,000 leads and your leads are probably crap.”

Any time you’re dealing with “bulk” anything (leads,traffic,signups,clicks..), you need to keep in mind the number 1,000,000 (yes one million). That is how many leads you’d need to blast to in order to have any idea of the quality of those leads and the quality of your email campaigns. I guess the point here is that importing and blasting emails to people that probably don’t want to hear from you is not a very efficient way of advertising anything. It is “a” way of advertising, but shouldn’t be “the” way in your overall marketing strategy.

As a side note. A few months ago I spoke on the phone to an online marketer that ONLY does bulk email to generate her income. She was sending around 1.2 MILLION emails PER DAY through various email servers that she was paying for herself, to leads she was purchasing herself. She told me she was barely earning a full time income and she was now earning half of what she was earning a year ago, doing the same thing. Sound like fun?

Fact: Your money would be better spent in other kinds of advertising.

I’ll give you an example. Generally speaking, in this industry you should aim to spend between $1 and $2 per generated lead. A “generated lead” would be (in our case) someone that enters their name into one of your NPN capture pages as a double opt-in lead. These leads would be generated from your own advertising.

So… If you bought 10,000 leads at 1cent per lead (which is really cheap) you would have spent $100. Out of those 10,000 you might get a couple people that say they might be interested in your opp. Maybe you won’t get any. A percentage of those leads will never see your email due to spam blocking, and a percentage will bounce back as undeliverable. To get to the $1-$2 per lead point, you would need to get 100 of those leads to optin to your capture page. I’m sorry but with cheap leads, that will not happen. Period. You’ve just wasted $100 and the time it took you to find, purchase, and to import the leads. This is where the frustration and the blame game starts kicking in.

So what’s your solution?

Answer: solo ezine ads, safelist ads, traffic exchange hits.

First off, what am I talking about here..

What is an “ezine”? An ezine, is, essentially, an “electronic” magazine. What exactly does that mean? Like a magazine, an ezine is something you subscribe to and it is “delivered” to you via email (ie. not spam). The beauty of an ezine lies in the fact that you receive articles, information and more, “specifically” on the topics that interest you. The owners of these ezines often sell advertisements either in the newsletters themselves, or as “solo” ads sent to their entire ezine database.

What is a “safelist”? A safe list is an email list you can join for free, and in return for joining you are allowed to email out to the entire list of members that join. Usually most safelists have different levels of memberships you can join at, and each different level will allow you to email more members more often. The best type of safelist to join is a ‘credit-based’ safelist. In this case the members would need to earn their mailings, racking up credits by clicking email ads from the other members. Most safelists sell ad credits as well which can save you from clicking all day.

What is a “traffic exchange”? A traffic exchange is similar to a credit-based safelist except that to earn credits you would be viewing other people’s websites for a determined amount of time (usually 15-30) seconds. Traffic exchanges will also sell you credits which would allow you to avoid having to click on other people’s websites all day to earn credits.

Now, for your $100 that you wasted on leads, you could have put out a number of targeted solo ads to probably thousands of people. And remember that these people are already expecting to receive emails like yours since they’re already active and in the same industry as you (The leads you bought are not). You would use your ezine ads to direct prospects to your NPN capture pages (or your own capture pages) where they would opt in and become generated leads.

The same can be said about safelists ads, and traffic exchange credits.

As I said above, you should aim to spend between $1-$2 per lead. So if you purchase an ezine ad for $20, a good return on your investment would be 10-20 leads that signed up through your capture page. You may get less, you may get more. If you don’t get as many as you’d like, change your ad, change your subject line and run it again. Use the NPN Ad-Tracker to see where your leads are coming from. Re-run what works, don’t run what doesn’t work. DON’T take your next $20 and buy leads. Remember that an ad that doesn’t work in one ezine, may work wonders in another ezine. Test, test, test. It’s what successful marketers do.

Basically, you will get more out of placing these types of ads than you would EVER get in buying and blasting to leads lists. I guarantee it. And it will even take up less of your time, and less of your money – which sounds good to me. We all want to make more money, perhaps we should do it the right way?

Have a great day.

And please please please don’t pass information to your downlines just because your sponsor sent it to you – unless they are actually using it and actually making money with that information.

P.S. The guy you bought the leads from has already made more money from those leads than you will, just by selling them to you.

Feel free to COMMENT below..

Visit Global NPN right NOW.

Exact Money Making Formula!!!

How do I -
Make the Most Amount of Money…
In the least amount of time...
With the least amount of effort...
With the least amount of investment?

Is this the questions you always asked when it comes to Making Money On-line or Off-line??

If you’re the type of person who believes in the power of the Internet for making money, then it’s not going to be a stretch to imagine making as little as $200 dollars a day online.

Sounds too good to be true?

If you want to make that kind of money, you can, and it's really simple to do.
But what I'm not doing right now is telling you that this is an effortless way to make millions - that would be a bold faced lie - and what we call in the ethical world of real business a "Get Rich Quick Scheme". This is absolutely NOT a get rich quick scheme - because this takes some real effort on your part, and even then, it's not perfect for everyone.

Some will succeeed, and will build themselves a system that lets them generate income with the push of a button every day. Others will try and fail, but the most worrying fact is that most people won't even try.

If you're the type of person who believes that all you have to do is buy something and your problems will go away magically, then please, leave this page now and go check yourself into a mental hospital, because that's crazy.

Here what you need to understand, it’s the basic fundamental that you really need to understand, and the different between you making 100 thousands dollar a month or not making hardly anything and in most cases not even making a dime. Now here what the fundamental is, and by the way you need to pay attention on this, because some people just don’t get this, and if you don’t get it, it's almost impossible to make huge amounts of money on-line or even off-line

Let say your goal is to make 10 thousand a month, 20 thousand or even 200 grand a month, now that’s a good goal but if that what your focus on, you will never do it, never…

You need to know how to make your first $100 bucks. You see, if you can’t make a 100 dollar, than there is absolutely no way, you somehow magically just start making 20 grand a month. Does that make a good sense to you when you think about it? People think that somehow magically they just start making 20 or 30 thousand dollars a month and the rest is history.

Here what you need to do! You take a certain amount of money which is your CODB, “cost of doing business”, and use that money to turn it into more money and then just keep "Duplicating" the process. Does that just make a good sense, if you use this basic concept, you can be making however much money you want to make, period.


I figure anyone who works with me is just like my partner so I show them everything.

Cause most people DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW to Make Money online.

When most people look at something, they look at it backwards when it comes to Making Money, and I don’t know why that is, but they just do.

The first thing they think of is, How much is this going to cost me, instead of thinking.. How much can I make from this

I think we're all trained to look at stuff like that and that's why you always hear that rich people think a little different than most people.

Let me give you an example,
A Person who doesn’t have a lot of money look at something and automatically think "How much does this going to cost me". A Rich person looks at the same thing and think "How much I going to make from this" and believe me -> That little subtle difference is the difference between being Mega Wealthy and joining the absolute Rich or remaining a person who is always searching and looking for money. And remember, all those rich people didn't start out rich, but how the rich looked at thing a little different that give them the edge.

Now you can start thinking about "How much can I make?" versus "How much does this going to cost me" and then I think it’s a part of nature, when we start making a lot of money, we want to help all the people around us to start making a lot of money too.

Remember the basic fundamental and start thinking big..

Please give it an honest effort, you will not be disappointed and will be very glad you did when it starts to work. Be creative. Remember, all you're going to be out of pocket is about the cost of a couple of coffees with the opportunity of banking thousands of dollars into your account! Take the smallest risk of your life

Have a great day and have fun! Feel free to comment below…

Visit Global NPN right NOW.

Why is GlobalNPN the most important program in your marketing funnel

Many people ask me “why do I need NPN when I already have a business to promote?”.

The answer is fairly simple but a lot of people still don’t really get it.

Let’s assume that your main business that you want to promote is a ‘Health Drink’ business. You will probably find out pretty quickly that it’s very difficult to find quality targeted leads for your business. After all, you have a very specific business, with a very specific market. It’s not easy (or cheap) to find the right leads that will want to join you in your business. This is also the case no matter what your ‘primary’ business is.

Here’s where NPN comes in. As you know, NPN is a suite of marketing tools and training material that ‘every’ online marketer needs to succeed in generating leads for their own business. Lead generation is the most difficult part of online marketing, especially when your business has a very specific market. That’s why we need GlobalNPN at the top of our marketing funnel.

Geoff's whiteboard presentation
Which scenario would you rather be a part of?

Scenario #1: You’re trying to get distributors for your Health Drink business. So.. you go out and buy some advertising for your Health Drink website. You get lots of visitors to your website but only a couple people actually decide to contact you about it. Your advertising cost you $50. Which means your ad campaign cost you $25 per lead and those 2 people may not even join you in your business. How much longer can you do that before you give up?

Scenario #2: You’re trying to get distributors for your Health Drink business. BUT, this time you go out and buy some advertising for your GlobalNPN business. You get lots of visitors to your website and a TON of people opt-in to your capture page because they know they need these tools to succeed. Your advertising cost $50, but this time 35 people opted in to your capture page. Your leads only cost you around $1.50 each this time. BUT a number of them joined you in NPN and now you’re making money from that, which means your advertising for your Health Business has essentially been taken care of. Now you can focus on ‘upselling’ your NPN referrals into your Health business, which is much easier since you’ve already qualified them as good quality marketing leads.

What’s my Point: You are making money and getting free advertising from the people that would’ve said a flat out “NO” to your Health Drink business, thanks to NPN. Plus down the road you can recruit your NPN referrals into your Health Drink business, which was the point in the first place right?

Use NPN to generate leads, and qualify leads for your other businesses. You will get leads, you will make money, your advertising will essentially be free, and you will realize how important having GlobalNPN at the top of your funnel is and why it’s essential for your ultimate success.

THIS IS HOW IT’S DONE FOLKS. This is not a theory or a guess as to how it works. If you don’t ‘GET IT’ (or refuse to), you won’t make it.

Now, I know that the next question may be “… but NPN IS my primary business, what then??”. In my opinion the most attractive feature of NPN is that it has is it’s own ‘internal funnel’ system. That is exactly what the NPN Ladder System was designed to take care of. Think of the ladder upgrades as your upsells instead of the “health business” I mentioned above. It works in exactly the same way, but in this case it’s completely self-contained and self-feeding. How cool is that? GlobalNPN can be your feeder system, while at the same time it can be your big dollar earner as your primary business.

Have a great day and have fun! Feel free to comment below…

Generate $47,508.00 by Just Making 1 Easy $10.75 Sale Per Month!! --> Use Our Unique "Power of 1" Marketing Strategy